Butler is a profession with history. A butler is a senior footman; he is also called a majordomo or butler. In fact, he is the main person in the house; the entire house rests on his shoulders, from the flower bed near the estate gate to the weather vane on the roof.

But in large houses, responsibilities may be divided between servants and the duties of the majordomo include the dining room, buffet and wine cellar. It just so happens that men are hired for the position, but among the housekeepers there are only women. These days, the responsibilities of a butler are determined by the owner and extend beyond the dining area.

In the past, butlers had different responsibilities in different countries. In England, for example, the duties of a butler included overseeing the castle's management, hiring employees, and managing finances.

In Rus' in the 16th century. the butler was busy collecting taxes and executing court sentences, and later, and from the 18th century, became a faithful lackey for the nobles.

Interestingly, this profession is still popular today. Since the 1980s, the demand for butlers around the world has increased significantly because... The number of millionaires and billionaires has increased, owning many large houses with vast households.

Demand has especially increased in China, Great Britain, India, as well as in the oil-producing countries of the Middle East.